
Diabetes is one of the most common yet challenging health concerns that people face.
Studies report that nearly 11% of the world population is dealing with diabetes. And yes, it's challenging to manage. However, not impossible.
SafeHealth’s Glucofit made from natural ingredients is safe for all ages and helps managing diabetes.

Glucofit Helps In :

  • 1. Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • 2. Prevents insulin resistance.
  • 3. Stimulates insulin secretion.
  • 4. Increases insulin levels in the blood.
  • 5. Reduces cholesterol levels in blood.
  • 6. Helps in Reducing inflammation and infections.
  • 7. Helps in maintaining overall fitness.
  • 8. Helps to Control Blood Pressure.

Glucofit Content’s

  • 1. Bitter Gourd (Karela) :

    Helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • 2. Amla (Phyllanthus Emlica) :

    The antioxidant property of amla makes it useful for diabetic patients. It is effective in preventing insulin resistance and helps in maintaining overall fitness.
  • 3. Jamun (syzygium cumini) :

    It is considered to be the best remedy for diabetes. Its seeds are loaded with substances called jumboline & jumbosine that lowers down the rate of sugar released in the blood and also increases insulin level in body, so it keeps diabetes in control.
  • 4. Neem (Azadirachta indica) :

    According to studies neem contains hypoglycaemic or blood sugar lowering properties and can be ideal for people suffering from diabetes and help you to stay healthy.
  • 5. Methi ( Trigonella foenum – graecum) :

    It is well known to control blood sugar level in diabetic people by slowing down the sugar absorption rate in the blood.
  • 6. Bael (Aegle marmelos) :

    It regulates the production of the insulin from the cells into the blood stream and low glycemic index of bael maintains blood sugar levels.
  • 7. Noni :

    Noni has traditionally been used for colds, flu, diabetes, anxiety, and hypertension, as well as an antidepressant and anxiolytic.
  • 8. Haldi (Curcuma Longa) :

    It reduces blood sugar and Cholestrol level. It improves insulin function and protects beta cells which produces insulin thus maintains sugar level in the blood.
  • 8. Gulvel (Tinospora cordifolia) :

    Gulvel (Giloy) literally means ‘Amrita’, which means the root of immortality. Its abundant medicinal properties have time and again proved that it is one of the most effective natural medicines. It helps in managing the sugar level by assisting in the production of insulin. It can also burn excess glucose and reduce the level of blood sugar.

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